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Do you have Props for sale?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:22 pm
by JimmyDutch
Hello everyone,

I am looking for opinions regarding a three blade prop versus a four blade in a 1985 F-36. I have the 350 crusaders. From reading prior posts, I understand that the four blade prop will have better midrange performance, where the three will have better top end. However the posts I read were referring to a different Trojan boat.

I was also wondering if any members have three, or four blade props for sale.

Thanks, Jim.

Re: Do you have Props for sale?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:04 am
by prowlersfish
I prefer the 3 blades on the F36 , A friend with the same boat and engines as mine was slightly slower at all speeds with 4 blades , with that said no 2 boats are the same . Some F32 owners say they do better . Are you having any issues ? What size are you running now ?

Re: Do you have Props for sale?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:45 pm
by JimmyDutch
Hey Prowlersfish!
The props that were on the boat were 4 blade 20 x 19's. The props I found are 3 blade 20x20's. The 4 blades are discolored, the mechanic said it was from current leakage in the marina. The props did not look pinkish when I bought the boat... I had a marine do a test for current leakage on the boat and he did not find any. I do see an isolation transformer in my future. The mechanic and others have told me that the discolored props are brittle and could crack and break apart. I appreciate your input I feel better putting on the three blades. And I do understand your comment that every boat is different. Once again, thanks prowlerfish!

P.S. Not looking for props anymore, thank you guys.