Trojan Main page and store page pictures

This forum is for comments and the exchange of information relating to Trojan Boats and boating. Please do not post used parts or boats For Sale in this area. For general, non-boating topics please use our "General Discussions" section.

Note: Negative or inflammatory postings will not be tolerated.

Moderators: BeaconMarineBob, Moderator, BeaconMarineDon

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Beacon Bob
Beacon Bob
Posts: 275
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:39 pm
Location: Easton, PA

Trojan Main page and store page pictures

Post by BeaconMarineBob »

If you would like your Trojan boat used as a featured Boat on one of these four locations.

1. Official Trojan Owners Group FB
2. Trojan Boats Owners Club FB
3. Trojan Boats Main web page
4. Trojan Boats Store web page

Please send a photo of your Trojan on the water and or underway.

NO bumpers or fenders in picture.

NO photos of her tied up to dock.

Please give name of our Trojan
Model and year
Location City, State

Other information or description you would like to include should be at least 75 words and no longer than 200 words). This could include custom improvements made to your Trojan acquisition history, etc.

** Please E mail photos to
If we get your E Mail we will respond to your E mail.

Your Trojan will be picked by the administrator of the two FB sites and reman up for 1 to 2 months.
Bob Cushman, Owner
Beacon Marine Supply
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